araina prescott
When I begin a project, there are a lot of things I use as inspiration or anti-stress instruments that help me start, continue, and finish a project. Things such as sleeping, showering, and even listening to music are just a few of the many things that help me cope with the anxiety and stress of a new project. However, these things also help me find new inspiration and ideas to forward the project. When I’m taking a break from a project, those are the times I find I’m able to think of my best ideas. For example, in a stress free zone such as my shower or bed, I am able to relax and not think of the project or the anxiety it is creating for me. I have time to reflect and think back rather than stress about what’s to come of it. Once I have thought back on the project, I think of new ways to grasp it rather than old ways of thinking. My shower represents a place for mindfulness and reason. When I’m in the shower I'm able to think of my best ideas. While in the shower, I don’t worry about the past mistakes but the future ideas.